Free Agent Agreement


1. CONTRACTOR agrees to uphold the good name of the LOVEWINX, Inc (known as COMPANY hereafter) and its fellow Free Agents at all times. CONTRACTOR shall acquire product knowledge and promote the sales of COMPANY’S merchandise in a professional manner. CONTRACTOR agrees to hold the COMPANY harmless from any damages resulting from any misrepresentation by CONTRACTOR. It is CONTRACTOR’S obligation to reflect the highest standards of integrity, honesty, sincerity and responsibility in CONTRACTOR’S business dealings with customers and not jeopardize COMPANY’S favorable public image. 2. The relationship between COMPANY and CONTRACTOR is that COMPANY is the supplier of merchandise for CONTRACTOR’S retail sales business. The CONTRACTOR is a self-employed, independent contractor. CONTRACTOR shall not hold itself out to be an agent, employee, or legal representative of COMPANY. CONTRACTOR understands and agrees that it has no power or authority, either directly or indirectly, to incur debt or liability, or to contract on behalf of the COMPANY. 3. COMPANY will furnish CONTRACTOR with sales training and techniques, product knowledge, forms, sales aids, promotional materials, and other literature at minimal or no cost. CONTRACTOR assumes responsibility to utilize all information and materials provided by COMPANY. 4. COMPANY will furnish CONTRACTOR with a continuous source of COMPANY’S merchandise and will use its best efforts towards fulfilling this obligation, provided, however, that the COMPANY shall not be held liable for any failure or delay in providing adequate stock of merchandise when it is caused in whole or in part by conditions beyond the COMPANY’S control. 5. CONTRACTOR shall comply with all Local, State and Federal laws, rules, and regulation which are applicable to CONTRACTOR’S business. CONTRACTOR understands that when bonuses and overrides (including awards and gifts) exceed the prevailing IRS limits per calendar year, the COMPANY will provide a Federal Form 1099 to CONTRACTOR. 6. CONTRACTOR agrees to supply COMPANY with a list of personal gift desires that COMPANY may use as a method of rewarding CONTRACTOR’S achievements. 7. This Agreement grants a non-exclusive right to sell merchandise supplied by COMPANY. CONTRACTOR has no territorial or geographical restrictions imposed on its sales and recruiting efforts during the term of this Agreement. 8. CONTRACTOR agrees that LOVEWINX shall not be displayed or sold in conjunction with any products other than those distributed by COMPANY. 9. CONTRACTOR understands that as long as it remains active with the COMPANY as set forth in current company policies, it may purchase products directly from the COMPANY. 10. CONTRACTOR agrees to abide by all company policies. Said policies may be in the form of a Handbook, Newsletter, Policies and Procedures, or Contest and Incentive Programs. Said policies may be changed at the COMPANY’S discretion. 11. CONTRACTOR shall not disclose the names, addresses and/or telephone numbers of any LOVEWINX customers to anyone other than the COMPANY. 12. CONTRACTOR agrees not, at any time, communicate, divulge, or use for the benefit of any person, firm or corporation, any of the forms, presentations, sales methods, sales techniques, or marketing techniques acquired from the COMPANY. COMPANY name and logo may not be used without the express written consent of the COMPANY. All paperwork is the sole property of the COMPANY and may not be reproduced unless specifically agreed to by COMPANY in writing. 13. In the event Agreement is terminated by either party, CONTRACTOR shall not be entitled to any overrides, bonuses, or prizes earned or accrued after the date of termination of the Agreement. 14. This Agreement shall be effective from the date of acceptance by the COMPANY until December 31 of the same year and shall thereafter be automatically renewed each January 1, provided that the Agreement may be immediately terminated by either party for any breach of its provisions, or by a written notice by CONTRACTOR. 15. Account deactivation may automatically occur as a result of a lack of minimum purchase requirements as set forth in current company policies or breach of this contract. 16. This Agreement constitutes the sole Agreement between COMPANY and CONTRACTOR and may be amended only in writing. 17. The Contractor will act in accordance with all Policies and Procedures set forth in the Company’s Policies and Procedures Handbook, whether or not they are referred to in this Agreement, as the Company may revise its Policies and Procedures Handbook from time to time. The Company may make reasonable changes to its Policies and Procedures at the Company’s discretion and will notify all CONTRACTORS of these changes. 18. No CONTRACTOR shall contract with another company within the same industry for the term of this agreement. 19. COMPANY will only accept free agent who are not in violation of any/all previous contractual obligations with any other MLM companies that offer like products. Please contact the Corporate Office with any questions prior to accepting this agreement. 888-739-3081 or